You know you can do this job, but how do you get experience when no one wants to hire you without it.
Finding your first translation or interpreting clients is both a challenge and an opportunity. You are often faced with a “chicken and egg” situation—you need experience to get the job but no one will hire you without the experience.
Join this webinar to learn how to get your foot in the door! While there are any number of possibilities for where to look for work, this webinar will discuss three potential options: looking at the local market, applying to clients that base their hiring on an in-house translation test, and establishing yourself as the go-to person in a niche market.
Don’t miss this webinar! You’ll walk away with at least one marketing strategy that you can implement right away.
You will learn how to:
- Understand the challenges and opportunities of starting an independent business from scratch
- Master three ways to find your first clients
- Recognize the value of the local market
- Choose at least one marketing technique you can use immediately
About the Presenter
Corinne McKay is an ATA-certified French-to-English translator and a Colorado court-certified French interpreter. She has a master’s degree in conference interpreting from Glendon College and is the author of How to Succeed as a Freelance Translator, a T&I business how-to guide with over 12,000 copies sold. She served as ATA president from 2017-2019.
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